Garry, the only Garry in VelvetTown, staggered out of a luminescent venue, bright lights flashing onto the cracked concrete street. Smashed glass crunched under Garry's feet as he clasped Jenny's dainty hand, stray packs of feral smokers casting judgemental looks.
   "Hey! You kids take care!" a moustached bouncer advised.
    "Are you sure we should be leaving this early? Roots and Toots were just about to play with a brass ensemble," Garry asked.
   Jenny gave Garry a cheeky smile and a swift peck on the lips.
   "Are ''you'' sure you want to go back in? Mine is only around the corner after all," Jenny purred, her turquoise dress floating under a dazzling moon.
   Jenny descended from her tiptoed stance, causing an oblong metal utensil to crash onto the pavement.
   "Is that...a knife?" Garry asked while looking down at a glimmering machete.
   Jenny bent over and quickly snatched it up, placing it safely back into her handbag.
   "Errrm, just a habit I picked up from a self-defence class me and the gals always went to. You can't be too careful in VelvetTown, am I right!" Jenny reasoned.
[[Go to Jenny's place->Jenny's Place]]
[[Go back to club->Go back to club]]
[[Go home->Garry's Place]]   "I'm kind of cold," Jenny complained.
   "Here, borrow my jacket," Garry said while swinging his beige, tattered covering into Jenny's outstretched hands.
   Garry and Jenny continued along their dark and narrow route until they reached a bright red rectangle, a brass lion door knocker sitting patiently and centrally.
   "Classy," Garry observed astutely.
   Jenny raised the door knocker and slammed it down, causing Garry's heart to skip a beat.
   "Easy now," Garry contested before Jenny rattled the obscure, greenish key into its home.
   The door squeaked open and the two scuttled in, gas lanterns illuminating their path. The hairs on the back of Garry's neck stood to attention as they sped up the staircase and into a wide and empty bedroom, cloaked in darkness other than a double bed with a golden frame. Floral wallpaper frayed at the edges, marked with damp and mould. Jenny turned, holding Garry's attention with her sparkling eyes.
   Garry, slightly aware of being covered in an off-putting warm liquid, fluttered his eyes lids. To his horror, he was covered in blood. Jenny, her head caved in, lay lifeless next to him. Fleshy pulp filled Garry's vision until foul-smelling bile spewed over his sweaty chest.
   "Shit!" Garry yelled while collapsing onto the floor.
[[Call the police->Call the police]]
[[Run ->Run away]]
[[Hide the body->Hide the body]]   "Sorry, but I do have work tomorrow. I better leave," Garry said with a weary sigh.
   "Oh, OK then. Well, I hope work is nice then," Jenny announced while trying to hide the disappointment from her face.
   "Hey, can I get your number though? Maybe we can meet up some other time?" Garry suggested hopefully.
   "Yer, sure! What's your number? I'll give you a quick prank," Jenny asked.
   "Prank?" Garry responded.
   "Prank call! You know, like I'll ring you and then hang up so you have my number?" Jenny proposed.
   "Oh! Ok," Garry said sheepishly before listing off numbers in a monotone voice.
   "All done! See you soon Garry," Jenny said, slipping the phone back into Garry's hand before disappearing around a right-angled corner.
   Garry stumbled away in the opposite direction, passing empty cardboard boxes outside Bonzo's Bananas and a neon pink strip club. Garry's ears turned outwards, picking up on heavy panting and an ominous presence behind him. Garry stopped walking and turned around, his head pivoting but spotting nothing.
   "Hey! Who's following me!" Garry yelled into the darkness, but with no reply.
    Eventually Garry reached his towering block of flats, red brick encasing a rust coated iron bridge. Slumping along, Garry fixed his wavering vision on the keypad. Poking the appropriate buttons, he slid inside and made his way up the three flights of stairs that regularly tortured him.
   //Why is it never the first floor,// Garry thought wearisomely.
Slotting his key into the swaying hole, Garry twisted the lock open before and entered his studio flat.
   //What should I do now?// Garry thought.
[[Smoke a joint->Smoke a Joint]]
[[Go to bed->Go to Bed]]   "OH-GOD-OH-GOD-OH-GOD!" Garry whimpered while heaving Jenny's corpse over his right shoulder.
   Partially congealed blood oozed down Garry's back, fleshy fibre catching on his stray black back hairs. Moving swiftly to a previously unnoticed en-suite bathroom, Garry slumped the body onto a checkered tiled floor, the snapping of a breaking pelvis permeating through the room.
   //FUCK! Don't puke don't puke!// Garry thought while desperately trying to control his gag reflex.
   Panting like a rabid dog, Garry looked to his left, noticing Jenny's crimson handbag. A serrated machete jutted out at an awkward angle, beckoning him closer.
[[Cut Jenny's body into small pieces->Cut Jenny's body into small pieces]]
[[Place Jenny's body in the bath->Place Jenny's Body in the Bath]]   Garry frantically thrust his hands into his pocket, finding his bright blue mobile. Jabbing the correct order of buttons, he placed the trembling phone next to his ear.
   "Hello, emergency services," the phone whined.
   "HELP! She's dead!" Garry yelled.
   "You need to select from the following three options," the monotone woman informed.
   "NO! She's fucking dead! Police!"
   "You selected 'Fucking police'. You shall be connected shortly,"
   Garry looked to the bedroom door, now splinted. A whirring could be heard from behind it until splinters and jagged wood cascaded across the room. Garry stared in alarm as a spinning chainsaw blade thrust through the flimsy door. Looking behind him, Garry noticed the entrance to an en-suit bathroom.
[[Run into the bathroom->Run into the bathroom]]   //I need to get the fuck out of here!// Garry's mind screamed.
   Regaining his senses, Garry leapt towards the cracked pine wood door. Pulling it open, Garry was confronted by a tall figure, sporting a stretched Latex suit and a horse mask, which was bursting around his bloated neck.
   "Ahh!" Garry screamed, noticing the chainsaw whirring in his assailant's hands.
   With a mighty thrust, the chainsaw tore into Garry's stomach, warm fat flopping onto the panelled floor.
   Garry is dead.    Garry walked to his ergonomic mesh chair, as lime green as the luminescent fireflies that danced out of his overlooking oval window. After rummaging for some time by his sweaty feet, he finally pulled an old jazz vinyl from a maroon box and placed it on the dusty record player. Switching it on, the record turned dutifully to an erratic drum beat.
   Garry opened an oak draw and pulled out three grams of Nepalese temple ball, the finest locally smuggled hash available.
   //I don't even care Ian had to shit this out of his arse,// Garry mentally justified.
   Garry pulled the hash apart, sprinkling it with the tips of his fingers into an awaiting king skin. Garry then proceeded a stretch a clump of tobacco over his masterpiece before rolling it up and fetching the last Stella in his mini-fridge.
   //Yes. Perfection,// Garry thought merrily.
   Finally, Garry turned off the light and crept into his bed, drifting into a deep slumber, so deep that he couldn't hear the frantic knocking on his door.
   Garry awoke the next morning and stretched his arms high into the air.
   "Another day another dollar," Garry mumbled to himself.
   Snatching up his mobile, Garry realised he had a difficult decision to make.
[[Text Kevin you're too sick to work and need the day off->Text Kevin you're to sick to work and need the day off]]
[[Go to work->Go to work]]   Swaying like a barrel of rum lost at sea, Garry picked a haphazard path before slumping onto his awaiting feather mattress.
   //Where's the duvet? Oh, fuck it// Garry thought.
   Garry's stomach churned, splashing at the sides and grumbling for attention.
   //Am I going to be sick? Hmm, it should stop once I fall asleep// Garry thought while staring at the gyrating ceiling.
   The front door shuddered as a splintering blare filled the air. Garry rolled off the bed, zigzagging through the darkness towards the dim entry point.
   //Must be those darn cats again// Garry thought.
Reaching the door, Garry grabbed the brass handle and twisted it open. Horrified, Garry staggered backwards, confronted with a large, heavyset torso. The figure sported a distorted horse mask stuck to its swollen neck, a wiring chainsaw dangling from his right hand.
   "AHHH!" Garry screamed as the chainsaw tore into his flat stomach.
   Garry is dead.    Hesitantly, Garry took the machete and turned to confront the empty shell that was once Jenny. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Garry swung the machete downwards, feeling the metal slip into soft flesh with an accompanying squelch. Losing control, Garry hacked and hacked again, frantically smashing Jenny's arm partly into a fine paste.
   "Christ.....CHRIST!" Garry spluttered.
   Bursting from the ether, the sound of a door collapsing filled Garry's ears as he heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. Metal gears whirring maniacally proceeded turning blades shredding pine, spraying Garry and his bloody crime. A mighty kick caused the door to collapse, leaving Garry face to face with a tall intruder, its bloated neck supporting a stretched horse mask.
   "Shit! Fuck!" Garry screamed, his eyes fixed on rotating chainsaw blades.
[[Stab the cunt->33 Stab the Cunt]]
[[Run past->22 Run Past]]   Sweating profusely, Garry rolled Jenny's limp torso over the bleach white tub, Jenny's limbs following in a flailed pursuit. Tugging the overhead fish shower curtain until it ripped off its rings, Garry draped it over the fresh, sunken corpse.
   //Well, that should do it. Time to leave,// Garry thought while turning around.
   Placing his ear to the door, Garry could hear something approaching, slowly crossing the room. The dull thud of weighted boots spelt impending doom.
   //Fuck! What now?// Garry thought.
   Looking behind him, he noticed Jenny's crimson handbag. The machete jutted out awkwardly, beckoning Garry closer.
[[Stab the cunt->22 stab the cunt]]
[[Run past->22 Run past]]   "Why don't we go back into the club?" Garry suggested.
   Jenny tilted her head to the floor, accompanied by a sad shrug of her shoulders.
   "Oh...well, sure, lets," Jenny replied sombrely.
   The two entered the club, following a tunnel of mismatched television sets, displaying old recordings of malnourished horses staring across a windswept plain. Descending a sunken flight of sordid stairs, they entered a packed room full of vibrant youths, shaking and bouncing like a bingo ball machine.
   "Do you like Toots and Fruits!" Garry yelled.
   "What!" Jenny responded.
   From across the chaotic jostling, a tall man with dangling dreadlocks caught Jenny's eye. Adjusting his camo jacket, he slowly started to swagger in a practised samba rhythm, dancing into Jenny's orbit.
   "Hey, I'm Ricardo," Ricardo said with a sly smile.
   //This wasn't the plan. What do I do now?// Garry thought.
[[Walk out of the club->Walk out of the club]]
[[Dance closer to Jenny kind of awkwardly->Dance closer to Jenny kind of awkwardly]]
[[Get a beer->Get a beer]]
[[Do something drastic that you'll regret later->Do something dranstic that you'll regret later]]   Tears in his eyes and a tail between his legs, Garry dithered disheartened for a few seconds before scampering back up the stairs. Reaching the refreshingly cool air, Garry stumbled away, passing empty cardboard boxes outside Bonzo's Bananas and a neon pink strip club.
    Eventually he reached his towering block of flats, red brick encasing a rust coated iron bridge. Slumping along, Garry fixed his wavering vision on the keypad. Poking the appropriate buttons, he slid inside and made his way up the three flights of stairs that regularly tortured him.
   //Why is it never the first floor,// Garry thought wearisomely.
   Slotting his key into the swaying hole, Garry twisted the lock open before entering his studio flat.
   //What should I do now?// Garry thought.
[[Smoke a joint->Smoke a Joint]]
[[Go to bed->Go to Bed]]   Arms rotating like a demented train, Garry strode towards the magnetic pair. Treachery in the air, Garry increased his proximity, switching his motion into his hips, which were now swaying from side to side. Jenny's eyes rested on Garry before quickly darting to her new and curious acquaintance.
   "I love your hair," Jenny announced.
   Jenny let out a flirty giggle and stroked Ricardo's shoulder.
   "I-I.." Ricardo began, transfixed on Garry's strange motions.
   Jenny reached over to Ricardo's arm, however, the tall gentleman had other intentions. Taking a fervent stride, he grabbed Garry behind his head and thrust his elongated tongue down Garry's throat, while firmly grabbing Garry's right buttock.
[[Push Ricardo away->Push the man away]]
[[Fuck it why not->Fuck it why not]]
[[Suggest threesome->Suggest threesome]]   //Fuck it, I'll get a beer,// Garry thought to himself.
   Performing a slight semi-circle, Garry approached a cacophony of crumpling cans and a tapestry of revolving lights. Shuffling past two Vietnamese gentlemen wearing matching dungarees, he waved at a particularly sweaty bartender, whose stomach protruded out of a tucked-in polo shirt.
   "OI!" Garry shouted.
   The barman carried on his job, seeming not to have heard.
   "OI!" Garry tried again.
   The bartender turned in a fluster.
   "That's not how you get served you prick, fuck off!" The bartender yelled.
   Garry slammed a sticky note on an equally sticky table.
   "I want my beer!" Garry screamed.
   The bartender stormed over to Garry, swinging his right fist into the corner of Garry's jaw. Spiralling like Japanese blossom, Garry hit the floor, blood pouring from the top of his head.
   "Xin chào! Xin chào!" a voice called through Garry's blurred vision.
   "What?" Garry asked.
   "Are you OK?" The Vietnamese pair said in unison.
   "Yer, I think so," Garry replied while sitting up.
   "You come to the toilets with us now, OK?"
[[Go to the toilets with the Vietnamese guys->Go to the mens toliets with the Vietnamese guys]]
[[Go home ->Go home 35]]   Garry looked down at the empty can of beer in his hands, twisting it clockwise until it ripped in half. Garry sprinted towards Ricardo and slashed the jagged edge across his face, warm liquid spurting across the dance floor.
   "No! My beautiful face!" Ricardo wailed, falling to his knees.
   "AHH!" Jenny screamed.
   Pulling the machete out of her handbag, she stuck Garry across the head, sending him cascading towards the sticky dance floor.
   Garry is dead.    Garry placed both hands on Ricardo's taut abdominal muscles and pushed him away, wiping his mouth in an attempt to omit the invasive experience.
   "What are you thinking! Jenny!" Garry screamed, seeing Jenny had left.
   Speeding up the stairs, Garry burst onto the street, but Jenny was nowhere to be seen.
   "Maybe she went left," Garry muttered.
   Heading down the sullen path, strange shadows formed a crosshatch pattern across the pavement. A menacing whirring could be head from behind.
   //What on earth is that,// Garry thought, though it was too late.
Spinning metal cut through Garry's chest, blood spurting across the sidewalk.
   Garry is dead.    Garry gently intertwined a clammy hand into Ricardo's jungle of thick dreads, while twisting his right leg in ecstasy. Unlocking the bonds of his sexuality, Garry curled towards his firm yet unknown lover. After the two wiggled and gyrated for several minutes, Garry put his lips to Ricardo's ear.
   "Want to smoke a joint and rattle me senseless?" Garry inquired.
   "I thought you'd never ask," Ricardo replied.
[[Go home with Ricardo->Go home with Ricardo]]
[[Get a beer->Get a beer]]   Garry gently placed a clammy hand in Ricardo's jungle of thick dreads, while twisting his right leg in ecstasy. Unlocking the bonds of his sexuality, Garry curled towards his firm yet unknown lover. After the two wiggled and gyrated for several minutes, Garry put his lips to Ricardo's ear.
   "Fancy a threesome?" Garry asked.
   Turning, Garry saw that Jenny had disappeared.
   "I think she's gone!" Ricardo shouted.
   "What!" Garry replied.
   Ricardo lent in towards a jittery Garry.
   "I know a few guys, why don't we all go to yours? Big Roger will deffo be game," Ricardo offered.
[[Have a gangbang with Ricardo->Have a gangbang with Ricardo]]
[[Get a beer->Get a beer]]   The door imploded, shattering into jagged pine debris. The last fragments were knocked over by a jet military boot, presenting a heavy-set figure wearing a horse mask over his head. Twisted, distorted, the horse's mouth hung wide as a satanic squeal filled the room.
   "Fuck you, horse!" Garry yelled.
    Sprinting as hard as he could, Garry threw himself into the zoomorphic assailant, knocking him to the mattered carpet. The horseman swung his chainsaw through the air, slicing Garry's legs. Garry let out a terrible scream as his stump torso slumped backwards, the bottom half spraying a fountain of blood onto the plaster ceiling.
   Garry is dead.    The door imploded, shattering into jagged pine debris. The remaining wooden shell was knocked over by a calculated kick from a jet military boot. A heavyset figure remained, wearing a tight latex suit and a horse mask that squeezed over his bloated head. Twisted, distorted, the horse's mouth hung wide as a satanic squeal filled the room.
   "Shit! Fuck! Shit!" Garry yelled.
   Garry stood up and sprinted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Placing his ear to the door, he could hear the crazed maniac slowly crossing the room, the dull thud of his boots spelling impending doom.
   //Fuck! What now?// Garry thought.
   Looking behind him, he noticed Jenny's crimson handbag. The machete jutted awkwardly out, beckoning him closer.
[[Stab the cunt->Stab the Cunt]]
[[Wait for your moment then run past ->Run past]]   Footsteps continued to ominously approach the bathroom, coming to an abrupt halt. Metal gears wearing maniacally proceeded turning blades shredding pine, spraying Garry and his vomit stained chest. A mighty kick caused the door to collapse, leaving Garry face to face with a tall intruder, its vain laced neck throbbing to support the evil equine entity.
   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
   Garry swiftly grabbed the machete before letting out a mighty roar, plunging the blade deep into the horse-faced attacker. Blood poured out of its tight Latex as Garry placed his shoulder by the increasing warmth. Garry ran as fast as he could, smashing his assailant into the opposing wall, tearing a sheet of wallpaper to the dusty carpet.
   "EEEEEECH!" the horseman screeched.
   Slicing upwards, the chainsaw nearly entered Garry's crotch, if it wasn't for a nimble sidestep and a skip backwards. Garry turned and ran for the destroyed door, darting right. Moving too swiftly for his sense of balance, Garry tripped on an electric cable and plummeted head first down the stairs.
   "OW! Fucks sake!" Garry complained.
   Heaving himself up and wiping the blood from his forehead, he grabbed the doorknob, rattling it as hard as he could. The sound of approaching footsteps echoed from the top of the staircase.
   "SHIT! SHIT!" Garry yelled as the wounded zoomorphic murder slumped towards him.
[[Check ceramic bowl for keys ->Check ceramic bowl for keys ]]
[[Check hanging leather jacket of keys->Check hanging leather jacket of keys]]
   Footsteps continued to ominously approach the bathroom, coming to an abrupt halt. Metal gears wearing maniacally proceeded turning blades shredding pine, spraying Garry and his departed date. A mighty kick caused the door to collapse, leaving Garry face to face with a tall intruder, its bloated neck supporting a stretched horse mask.
   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
    Nimbly skipping from side to side, Garry tried to lunge past his attacker. Swiftly, the horse masked man crashed his body into the doorway, squeezing Garry like a cat with a dead bird. Lifting the chainsaw while pointing it downwards, he brought it down with devastating efficiency. Garry's head rattled like a maraca before bursting into thousands of pieces.
   Garry is dead.   Garry rolled onto his back, clasping his forehead. A depressed fart escaped the dense patch of hair that was his arse.
   //I can't go to Battered Birds. If I dip another wing in flour I'll blow my fucking brains out,// Garry thought.
   His right hand extended, limp meat patted the mahogany bedside table until it met chilled hardened plastic. Fetching his phone, Garry placed the screen in front of his wincing eyes.
   "CAN'T WORK, FOOD POISONING," Garry verbalized while tapping the necessary buttons.
   The phone made a whooping sound, though before Garry could place the phone down another whoop came into play.
   "Don't bother coming back," Garry read aloud.
   ////Fuck! Now what?//// Garry thought.
[[Go to Battered Birds and beg for your job back->Go to Battered Birds and beg for your job back]]
[[Watch Netflix and smoke a joint->Watch Netflix and smoke a joint]]   "Well, the electricity isn't going to stay on by itself I guess," Garry mumbled.
   Raising himself, he staggered to his wardrobe, adorned with flamboyant posters from previous club nights and the odd Polaroid of groups of happy teenagers. Slipping into his smart green shirt from Next and a shiny pair of black shoes, Garry headed for the door.
   Garry froze, staring at the fracture now spread across the tired entry.
   //Must be the wind or something,// Garry thought, continuing forwards.
   Swinging the door wide open, Garry was confronted by a heavyset man, his thick neck bursting out of a tight horse mask. Taut black Lycra covered his body while a chainsaw, gripped in the stranger's right hand, burst into life.
   "Fuck!" Garry screamed.
   The chainsaw descended upon Garry's head, chopping him in two.
   Garry is dead.    //The machete!// Garry thought earnestly while swiping the shark hunk of metal.
    Footsteps continued to ominously approach the bathroom, coming to an abrupt halt. Metal gears wearing maniacally proceeded turning blades shredding pine, spraying Garry and his departed date. A mighty kick caused the door to collapse, leaving Garry face to face with a tall intruder, its bloated neck supporting a stretched horse mask.
   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
    Letting out a mighty roar, Garry charged, plunging the blade deep into the horse-faced attacker. Blood poured out of its tight Latex as Garry placed his shoulder by the increasing warmth. Garry ran as fast as he could, smashing his assailant into the opposing wall, tearing a sheet of wallpaper to the dusty carpet.
   "EEEEEECH!" the horseman screeched.
   Slicing upwards, the chainsaw entered Garry's crotch, cutting all upwards until two slices of Garry's body fell away from each other.
   Garry is dead.   Footsteps continued to ominously approach the bathroom, coming to an abrupt halt. Metal gears wearing maniacally proceeded turning blades shredding pine, spraying Garry and his departed date. A mighty kick caused the door to collapse, leaving Garry face to face with a tall intruder, its bloated neck supporting a stretched horse mask.
   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
   Nimbly skipping from side to side, Garry tried to lunge past his attacker. Swiftly, the horse masked man crashed his body into the doorway, squeezing Garry like a cat with a dead bird. Lifting the chainsaw while pointing it downwards, he brought it down with devastating efficiency. Garry's head rattled like a maraca before bursting into thousands of pieces.
   Garry is dead.   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
    Letting out a mighty roar, Garry charged, plunging the blade deep into the horse-faced attacker. Blood poured out of its tight Latex as Garry placed his shoulder by the increasing warmth. Garry ran as fast as he could, smashing his assailant into the opposing wall, tearing a sheet of wallpaper to the dusty carpet.
   "EEEEEECH!" the horseman screeched.
   Slicing upwards, the chainsaw entered Garry's crotch, cutting all upwards until two slices of Garry's body fell away from each other.
   Garry is dead.   "Get to fuck!" Garry yelled.
   Nimbly skipping from side to side, Garry tried to lunge past his attacker. Swiftly, the horse masked man crashed his body into the doorway, squeezing Garry like a cat with a dead bird. Lifting the chainsaw while pointing it downwards, he brought it down with devastating efficiency. Garry's head rattled like a maraca before bursting into thousands of pieces.
   Garry is dead.   Slamming his hand into the azure ceramic bowl on the adjacent plastic shelf, Garry fished frantically, his hand finally brushing a pair of rusty keys.
   "Come on! Come on!" Garry yelled while shoving the keys into the lock.
   The horse-faced man roared, raising his chainsaw high in the air as the door opened wide. Garry dove on the front garden, a line of policeman waiting with guns pointed in outstretched arms.
   "Fire!" the constable commanded.
   A string of lead bullets flew through the air, cutting into the madman. Collapsing in on himself, the horse mask slid off, revealing a curled moustache and lifeless eyes.
   "The...the bouncer?" Garry exclaimed.
   "Your right there, lad. You did a good job phoning us when you did. Poor Jenny had had a stalker for weeks. Seems like he didn't kill you straight away because he wanted to make you suffer, being jealous and all,"
   "How did you know she had a stalker?" Garry asked.
   "Well, she reported it. The guy from the club," The policeman explained.
   "Then why didn't you do anything sooner!" Garry exclaimed.
   "Well, we can't do anything without evidence now, can we? Right, well we can add another murder solved to our targets lads, lets get out of here," The policeman exclaimed.
   As the police officers drove off into the distance, Garry rose and started walking back home.
   //Well, at least I'm alive. Just goes to show that when you're not sure what to do, you should probably do nothing. Good thing I'm not a woman. Maybe I'll buy some chicken on the way home,"// Garry thought to himself.    Eye's resting on a tattered leather jacket, Garry lunged towards it, placing his hands in either pocket.
   "Fuck! Fuck!" Garry screamed, sweat pouring over his dismayed face.
   Gliding metal swished, cutting through the suspense-filled air and into Garry's permeating skin. A searing pain spread down his right shoulder, a squirming fleshy limb slumping to the hair covered carpet. Garry tried to scream, but the second blow came too soon.
   Garry is dead.    Garry held down the power button, suffocating his phone until all traces of the outside world died with it. Hopping off his bed, he crouched, pulling from underneath a large jet laptop with glowing scarlet keys.
   "Excellent," Garry muttered.
   Placing the laptop on a small plastic table at the end of his bed, he quickly logged on and connected to the Icafe's internet. Soon, Vampire Typhoon was blaring in the background, as Garry lit up the prerolled joint he had fetched from the draw designated for such things.
   //Well, I feel pretty good about all the choices I made,"// Garry thought while sprawling across his luxurious bed.
   //But still, I can't help but feel like a missed out on a bit of an adventure.//   Garry grabbed their outstretched arms and followed a circular route, ending up outside a blue neon-lit 'MEN' sign.
   "This way," they muttered together.
   A cracked mirror stretched along the length of the bleach white tiles, brown dotted stains encircling the dingy prison. Scampering along, the three entered the furthest cubical. One dungaree wearing Vietnamese man, standing on Garry's left, whipped out a small packet of white powder. Quickly, he expertly formed three trails with a credit card along the top of the toilet lid.
   "Gì?" the man on Garry's right asked, bent over with his right hand clasped against his chosen nostril.
   Ominous footsteps continued, ceasing outside the cubical door. Garry could make out jet military boots, which poked out from under the door. Suddenly, a whirring sound burst into life, the cubical shredded in seconds by revolving iron blades.
   "Chết tiệt!" the Vietnamese men screamed.
   Door destroyed, facing them was a figure covered in stretched latex, a horse mask shoved over his bulbous head.
   "Fuck!" Garry screamed.
   The chainsaw descended upon them, hacking the three into hunks of steaming flesh.
   Garry is dead.    "Yer sure, we might need to stop off somewhere to buy Vaseline though. I'm all out," Garry advised.
   Taking Garry's hand, Ricardo commandingly led him past the pixelated abused horses and back onto the street.
   "Right or left?" Ricardo asked.
   "Right, though I thought I was left until now," Garry replied.
   Walking right under auspicious starlight towards ecstatic debauchery, menacing wiring suddenly growled from behind.
   "What's that?" Ricardo asked before blood spurted from his chest, spraying over Garry's bright purple shirt.
   "Ahhhh!" Garry screamed as the assailant cut him in two.
   Garry is dead.    "Yer sure, we might need to stop off somewhere to buy honey though," Garry advised.
   "Why honey?" Ricardo asked.
   "Well it doubles up as something to put on my cereal in the morning," Garry explained.
   Turning, Garry saw that Jenny had disappeared. Taking Garry's hand, Ricardo commandingly led him past the pixelated abused horses and back onto the street.
   "Right or left?" Ricardo asked.
   "Right, though I thought I was left until now," Garry replied.
   Walking down the determined path towards ecstatic debauchery, menacing wiring suddenly growled from behind.
   "What's that?" Ricardo asked before blood spurted from his chest over Garry's bright purple shirt.
   "Ahhhh!" Garry screamed as the assailant cut him in two.
   Garry is dead.    "Sorry guys, cheers for the offer but I better get back," Garry explained, standing up and pushing past the Vietnamese duo.
   Crossing the dance floor and scampering back up the stairs, Garry reached the refreshingly cool air. Garry stumbled down a narrow pavement, passing empty cardboard boxes outside Bonzo's Bananas and a neon pink strip club.
    Eventually he reached his towering block of flats, red brick encasing a rust coated iron bridge. Slumping along, Garry fixed his wavering vision on the keypad. Poking the appropriate buttons, he slid inside and made his way up the three flights of stairs that regularly tortured him.
   //Why is it never the first floor,// Garry thought wearisomely.
   Slotting his key into the swaying hole, Garry twisted the lock open before and entered his studio flat.
   //What should I do now?// Garry thought.
[[Smoke a joint->Smoke a Joint]]
[[Go to bed->Go to Bed]]   "Well, the electricity isn't going to stay on by itself I guess," Garry mumbled.
   Raising himself, he staggered to his wardrobe, adorned with flamboyant posters from previous club nights and the odd Polaroid of groups of happy teenagers. Slipping into his smart green shirt from Next and a shiny pair of black shoes, Garry headed for the door.
   Garry froze, staring at the fracture now spread across the tired entry.
   //Must be the wind or something,// Garry thought, continuing forwards.
   Swinging the door wide open, Garry was confronted by a heavyset man, his thick neck bursting out of a tight horse mask. Taut black Lycra covered his body while a chainsaw, gripped in the stranger's right hand, burst into life.
   "Fuck!" Garry screamed.
   The chainsaw descended upon Garry's head, chopping him in two.
   Garry is dead.
↶↷ Garry, the only Garry in VelvetTown, staggered out of a luminescent venue, bright lights flashing onto the cracked concrete street. Smashed glass crunched under Garry's feet as he clasped Jenny's dainty hand, stray packs of feral smokers casting judgemental looks.
"Hey! You kids take care!" a moustached bouncer advised.
"Are you sure we should be leaving this early? Roots and Toots were just about to play with a brass ensemble," Garry asked.
Jenny gave Garry a cheeky smile and a swift peck on the lips.
"Are you sure you want to go back in? Mine is only around the corner after all," Jenny purred, her turquoise dress floating under a dazzling moon.
Jenny descended from her tiptoed stance, causing an oblong metal utensil to crash onto the pavement.
"Is that...a knife?" Garry asked while looking down at a glimmering machete.
Jenny bent over and quickly snatched it up, placing it safely back into her handbag.
"Errrm, just a habit I picked up from a self-defence class me and the gals always went to. You can't be too careful in VelvetTown, am I right!" Jenny reasoned.
Go to Jenny's place
Go back to club
Go home